Week 3

Repeat With, Repeat While, Lists [Arrays]

Repeat With

When you know there are a certain number of times you want to do something,
it may make sense to use a Repeat With loop.

Use an increment in this kind of loop with a counter variable (conventionally "i" but it can be anything). You set a start and end value. Each time through the loop, your counter variable gets incremented by 1.

repeat with i = 1 to 10
    sprite(i).rotation = sprite(i).rotation + 10
end repeat

Can save lots of time and space if you are doing the same thing to a bunch of sprites.
For instance, the below acts exactly the same as the example above. (And we are only rotating the sprite - imagine if we were doing a bunch of things to it...)
sprite(1).rotation = sprite(1).rotation + 10
sprite(2).rotation = sprite(2).rotation + 10
sprite(3).rotation = sprite(3).rotation + 10
sprite(4).rotation = sprite(4).rotation + 10
sprite(5).rotation = sprite(5).rotation + 10
sprite(6).rotation = sprite(6).rotation + 10
sprite(7).rotation = sprite(7).rotation + 10
sprite(8).rotation = sprite(8).rotation + 10
sprite(9).rotation = sprite(9).rotation + 10
sprite(10).rotation = sprite(10).rotation + 10

Repeat While

When you want to do something until a certain condition has been met,
it may be a good time for a Repeat While loop.

Repeat While with time-based events
Repeat something for a specified period of time. Use the timer.

This will make the sprite bigger for 5 seconds:
on mouseDown
    repeat while the timer < 60 * 5
        sprite(2).width = sprite(2).width + 1
    end repeat

updatestage explicity tells Director to redraw the stage. If Director is inside a repeat loop and does not get to the go the frame loop, you may not see what you expect to see. In that case, you may have forgoteen to include the updatestage command (very common mistake!).

Repeat While with action-based events
Repeat something while the user is taking some kind of action:

This will move the sprite while the user has the mousedown

repeat while the stilldown
    sprite(1).loch = sprite(1).loch - 4
end repeat

Lists [Arrays]

Whereas variables can hold one value,
lists can hold a whole bunch of values at once.
(They are called arrays in most other computer programming languages.)
This gets useful when you need to store a lot of information about the same kind of thing.

myTrialTimes = [6.7, 7.4, 8.2, 6.8. 7.1]

Initialize a list like this:
on beginSprite
    myTrialTimes = []

Add things to a list like this:

Values get added to the END of a list.

Get and set values by using their order in the list:
put myTrialTimes[3] (message window would show 8.2)
myTrialTimes[3] = 8.0
put myTrialTimes

message window shows [6.7, 7.4, 8.0, 6.8. 7.1]

Access the values in a list in order with a Repeat with loop
If you lose track of how many values there are, find out using listname.count

Example: Find an average of my trial times...
total = 0
repeat with i = 1 to myTrialTimes.count
    total = total + myTrialTimes[i]
end repeat
average = total/myTrialTimes.count

Property Lists (Known as a hash table in other languages)
With property lists, you can name the positions using #.
Can be useful because you don't have to remember the position of a value in the list.

myItalianDinner = [#primipiatti:penne, #secondipiatti:fish, #antipasto:prosciutto, #desert:tiramisu]
myItalianDinner.addprop = [#vino:chianti]

put myItalianDinner.antipasto

message window shows "prosciutto"
[You can still use order # if you want to. Could also have said put myItalianDinner[3]]

put myItalianDinner message window shows [#primiPiatti:penne, #secondipiatti:fish, #antipasto:prosciutto, #desert:tiramisu, #vino:chianti]