#!/usr/local/bin/perl #This is telling perl to use the cgi library and #will make it easy for us to get our data in a usable form use CGI qw(:cgi); #This says that the output is html print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; #This puts the environmental variable into a variable called $in #$in=$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; #print "$in\n"; $name = param('name'); $food = param('food'); $car = param('car'); $animal = param('animal'); $pie = param ('pie'); $eyecolor = param('eyecolor'); if ($pie eq "on") { print "$name likes to eat $food and pie. She drives a $car.\n"; print "$name has a pet $animal. And she has $eyecolor eyes\n"; } else { print "Sorry, we don't deal with people who don't like pie\n"; print "\n"; }